G is for “green” and G is for “go”
my life is a field shrouded in mist
G is for going with the flow
i must check off my bucket list
G is for gushing over The One
i swear, this one’s it, no more fun
G is for guilting myself to say yes
ripping off the gauze to find happiness
G is for grappling the lingering shadow
that something just isn’t right
G is for gripping the need to go
the grass is always greener on the other side
All my life I felt super repressed growing up, constantly in fear that my youth was slipping away. Western media shaped and romanticized my impression of what being young is supposed to be like: full of reckless days and blurry nights. A strong woman protagonist is supposed to be always seeking new adventures while having a chaotic strewn of lovers. Grass is greener syndrome, commitment issues, and codependency inevitably formed through the lens of my rose-colored glasses.